If you are the administrator for the computer, restart Windows and log in with your administrator account, then follow the steps above. Contact your administrator for help with this. Note: If the Change settings button is still greyed out, your administrator may have disabled the option for you to change the settings. You can now make changes to your Windows Firewall settings. If a User Account Control window appears, click Yes, or enter your user name and password, then click OK. When you try to generate a certificate signing request (CSR) using IIS, the Server.
When you try to change your Windows Firewall settings, the options are greyed out and you can't make any changes.Ĭlick the Start button, then type Windows Firewall in the Search box.Ĭlick Windows Firewall, and then click Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall.Ĭlick the Change settings button. Server Certificate option is Greyed Out in IIS Directory Security. When working on a Windows Server 2016 for a client in Houston I noticed a bang on the network so I opened the Network and Sharing Center to find The Dependency Service Or Group Failed. REVOKE option is Greyed Out in RD Licensing Manager Published by Ian Matthews on FebruFebruary. To ensure that no registry setting is interfering with Remote Desktop, you can scan the registry for errors. Windows Server windows 2003, 2008, R2 how tos. Rarely, additional registry issues can prevent the option from appearing even after making the above fix. You will find that the greyed-out option can now be selected.
Windows Firewall settings are greyed out Symptoms Reboot the PC now and check the Remote tab in System Properties.